Dmitry2013-02-27 15:32:06
Game development
Dmitry, 2013-02-27 15:32:06

Multiplatform engine for developing 2D Hidden Object games?

Tell me the multiplatform engine that is most suitable for developing 2D Hidden Object games.
I know that the Kanji 2D Game Engine was very good for this, but judging by Google it’s nowhere to be found, the official site is closed, the engine apparently hasn’t been developed for 5 years anymore. It is
necessary that the engine allows you to get games for Mac, Windows and iOS. Other platforms are not as important.

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3 answer(s)
jetman, 2013-02-27

Preferred development language not specified, so Monkey - monkeycoder.co.nz , monkeycoder.ru

mon, 2013-03-02

corona sdk www.coronalabs.com/

vinch, 2013-03-02

As for HOG, it's hard to say, but for cross-platform 2D games, you can use Cocos2D-x: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/

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