Vladimir Mazepa2015-12-16 14:19:17
Vladimir Mazepa, 2015-12-16 14:19:17

Modx revo for some reason adds an extra "/" to the url?

Hello, I ran into a problem - modx revo, CNC enabled, several categories created through the admin panel - About the Company, Contacts, Products. Problems with the category "products" after adding subcategories to this category, the URL becomes lux.f1-reklama.com.ua/product and not /product i.e. an extra "/" is added at the end and as a result, if we go from this category to another category, we have an incorrect URL, namely lux.f1-reklama.com.ua/product/kontaktyi instead of lux.f1-reklama.com.ua/kontaktyi
I display the menu through wayfinder
Ps. I just checked again ... it is added after adding it to the category under the category.
As I understand it, after adding to the main category, wayfinder (or something else? ) adds "/" to form links to subcategories in the form /categoriya/pod-kategoriya ? but the link to the subcategory is now formed in the same form as the category, i.e. not site.com/categoriya/pod-kategoriya, but site.com/pod-kategoriya
At the moment, I "solved" the problem through .htaccess , but I would like to figure out what is the reason.
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} (.*)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)(/)$ $1 [R=301,L]
What could be ?

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2 answer(s)
Ruslan, 2015-12-16

Hello, the question is not entirely clear, but in MODX url for resources there are 2 types:
1) site.com/page.html or site.com/category/page.html (or site.com/page, site.com/category/ page) is the url of the target document, root or target document in the category.
2) site.com/category/ is the url of the category, it is formed after the document contains nested resources, i.e. there was a page site.com/page.html or site.com/page and after it becomes a parent for other resources - its url will already become this - site.com/page/

Sanes, 2015-12-16

And if so?

<base href="https://askmeplz.com/">

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