polevsl2011-12-13 18:06:26
polevsl, 2011-12-13 18:06:26

.MOD Video Converter -> .AVI (.MOV) for Mac OS?

Good evening.
There are a number of video files shot with a JVC camera. They are written in .MOD format.
You need to convert them to a more mundane format, preferably AVI or MOV, for subsequent video editing (Adobe Premiere does not understand the MOD format at all, and a person will do the editing in it).
VLC allows you to convert using built-in tools, but the output quality suffers (the image slows down or even “leaves” sometimes into “squares” and other artifacts), no matter what settings you set.
Never faced the need to convert. By searching the internet for Windows, there are still Canopus and others. And for the poppy I can not find anything sensible. All some obscure "programs".
Tell me where to look, how to convert!
Optional, but if the converter is also free, it will generally be super.
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
jj_killer, 2011-12-13

Here is the first one found:
ffmpeg -i myClip.MOD -vcodec copy -acodec mp2 -ab 192k myClip.mpg

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