bulkmaker2017-01-03 20:38:56
bulkmaker, 2017-01-03 20:38:56

Menu based on Bootstrap?

I want to make a menu as in this example https://stroy.aspro-demo.ru/
Depending on the screen size, several menu items are visible. Full resolution 8 points. At 1024px there are 6 points? and the rest are folded into a button. There are already 4 elements at 768px, the rest is collapsed. Well, on mobile resolutions, the usual menu for phones.
Is it possible to somehow do the same based on the standard bootstrap menu.
It is possible without bootstrap in principle, but the main thing is that it fits in there

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2 answer(s)
A person from Kazakhstan, 2017-01-03

getbootstrap.com/components/. Isn't there?

lacrim, 2017-01-03

There is no such functionality in bootstrap by default.
Here you can see an example of implementation with JS - codepen.io/kartofelek007/pen/wMQBgm

@media screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
   li:nth-child(8) {display:none;}

hide the 7th and 8th
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
   li:nth-child(6) {display:none;}

and so on.

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