Alexander Flasher2014-05-03 16:24:04
Alexander Flasher, 2014-05-03 16:24:04

List of properties of all ActionScript 3.0 classes?

The ActionScript 3.0 syntax highlighter needs a list of all properties, methods, constants, etc. (except the classes themselves). Just a list separated by commas or from a new line, without repetitions.
Does anyone have such a list or know where it can be conveniently "teared out"?
The list of classes is easily pulled from the page , but with their properties it is more difficult. The index does not have a convenient layout, besides, it is mixed with classes.
Ideally, it would be nice to get a list of separately methods, separately properties, separately constants ... But this is not critical.
Unfortunately, I don’t own parsing tools, so I turned to the community for this. Thank you.

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1 answer(s)
metnee, 2016-07-07

Adobe Flash Professional has a built-in reference in the "Actions" window with a list of all packages, classes, their methods and properties. This window opens on F9.

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