Egor Shustrov2016-10-06 01:13:50
Egor Shustrov, 2016-10-06 01:13:50

Lightweight IDE for C++?

The fact is that I can’t often carry a laptop or a computer with me **(have you already presented it ?, yes :? :) like a guy goes with a system unit on his back, a huge battery, a monitor, etc. :)**
So there is a tablet 64g of my own, 64g MicroSD, 4g of RAM, Win 10, Intel Cherry Trail Z8300 64bit Quad Core 1.44GHz, Up to 1.84GHz,
(well, no one paid me to name it for advertising)
I want to put some kind of IDE into it (like so) so that she can compile a simple code from C ++, well, there is a syntax to drive me and little things, super bells and whistles are unnecessary. Of course, I would also like Java Muggle) but this is not necessary. I look at Eclipse, but I know little in these areas, can you tell me what else is normal and good? and most importantly, lightweight and resource-gluttonous.
..I already see how I install MVSC, MSVC (Microsoft Visual Studio C ++) and my tablet, engulfed in blue flame, runs away from me with cries of "yes, you're a programmer")
ps: no need about compilers separately, it's somehow tight with them, it didn’t work (: *yes, probably dumb :)

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8 answer(s)
Nikolay Sinyov, 2016-11-29

Qt Creator is the very thing. It does not pull any dependencies on Qt! For it to work, you only need to do one thing - install the Windows SDK tools (it includes compilers, runtime libraries, Net.Framework and MSBuild). You put SDK, you put Qt Creator - it is possible to code. You don't need Qt as a library.
The SDK itself weighs about 500-700m, and Qt Creator ~ 80 mb in the archive and ~ 200 mb in the installed form.

AtomKrieg, 2016-10-06


Stanislav Silin, 2016-10-06

There is QtCreator , it weighs only 85 MB. There is everything you need: good refactoring, navigation, git.
UPD A little cunning 85 MB is an installer, but it does not download anything from the web, but simply unzips it.

Adamos, 2016-10-06

Full-fledged (with code analysis and other goodies) and at the same time lightweight - things are purely mutually exclusive.
VisualStudio with C++ behaves like it advertises C# (ironic, but not far from the truth). The analysis of the code there shamelessly slows down, on weak hardware you simply can’t wait for it. Although, perhaps, he will quickly chew on Hallowords... There are easy Code::Blocks and CodeLite - in principle, they are so easy that it's just worth trying, and if it's uncomfortable, then climb up this list;)
Eclipse, NetBeans, Clion - this is still Java with all the consequences - slowly and sadly. Again, it is contraindicated for weak iron.
QtCreator - has quite a few advantages, but the volume can really go off scale, since it drags the entire Qt along with it without fail.
Альтернатива в порядке бреда: поставить какую-нибудь древнюю VS, которая еще нормально жевала С++ на слабых машинках (то есть до 2008 версии). Если она запустится на "десятке", то для изучения "крестов" может вполне сгодиться. С++0х и С++11, правда, придется исключить из учебной программы.

RedHairOnMyHead, 2016-10-06

Комп, планшет и TeamViewer. И юзай любую IDE с компа.

Nexeon, 2016-10-06

Компилируй по старинке файлы .cpp через консоль на g++ ;)
Попробуй https://code.visualstudio.com
Еще вариант: Sublime Text + пару плагинов, и будет полноценная ламповая IDE.
Но тебе если библиотеки подключать надо, то нужно помучиться немного

Даниил Демидко, 2016-10-07

Из всех IDE для C++, самая лучшая что я знаю - это CodeLite.
Среда быстрая, легковесная, постоянно обновляется.
Code::Blocks в принципе обладает аналогичными свойствами но его портят глюки, ужасные шрифты и интерфейс "а ля Windows 95"

romy4, 2016-10-06

Ну, например, FAR с плагинами для С++ вполне себе практически IDE. там и подсветка, и подстановка методов, и ещё куча всего

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