chris200112019-09-08 20:07:08
Network administration
chris20011, 2019-09-08 20:07:08

Laravel not working correctly?

I have a site that works great on a VPS server, but it needs to be transferred to TimeWeb hosting. After transferring and connecting the database, the site started working, but only its main page, and if you follow any link to another page of the site, it gives an error - Not Found. And also when filling out any form and after pressing the "Submit" button, an error occurs - Undefined. On the VPS, everything worked great. What to do? The site needs to be delivered in the next 1 day, I don’t understand Laravel.

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2 answer(s)
Kirill Arutyunov, 2019-09-08

If you transferred to the hosting, then set up the .htaccess file in the public directory, most likely this is the problem.

Dmitry, 2019-09-09

I would put a debugger and look at what kind of error climbs and from there I would dance

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