alexfyodrv2018-03-01 17:19:30
alexfyodrv, 2018-03-01 17:19:30

Laravel how to compose leftJoin twice into same table with different parameters?

Good day,
I have the value of customer_id and agent_id in my orders table . I need to get their data from another table through leftJoin, but the problem is that customer and agent are one entity (one invited the other) and I need to get this data in 1 request by referring to one table, an example is below

Order::select('order.customer_id', 'order.agent_id')
       ->leftJoin('customers', 'order.customer_id', 'customers.id')
       ->leftJoin('customers', 'order.agent_id', 'customers.id')
       ->where('id', $id)->first();

here the name of the customers table is duplicated, and I need to pull these values ​​into customer.* and agent.* is it possible to somehow add aliases to them?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Aksentiev, 2018-03-01

Specify an alias...
Well, in general, why are relations not registered in the model so as not to engage in such garbage?

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