eurobalt2019-07-06 19:02:39
eurobalt, 2019-07-06 19:02:39

Laravel - choosing a CRUD package, which one is more convenient?

Hello everyone, I'm new to Laravel, but I have experience with Yii2.
While learning Laravel, I was surprised that apart from the skeleton for working with CRUD, nothing is provided out of the box.
Not to say that I'm very lazy, but is it really convenient for the backend to write sorting, pagination and search for each model?
I assume that there are some top packages for this task that everyone uses.
Please tell me such and / or give your comments on the topic, thanks.

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1 answer(s)
1210mk2, 2019-07-23

Out of the box, suitable pagination is here in Russian .
For the sort and search, you can also add parameters,
I probably won’t prompt the packages right away.

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