EVGENY T.2018-01-16 12:51:35
EVGENY T., 2018-01-16 12:51:35

Web interface to the database - what to choose?

We need a simple interface to the database - request, show the answer (login-password, a couple of lists in frames, a text document).
Once upon a time in the (90s) I did this on CGI technology, but re-refreshing the entire page in the 21st century would probably be strange.
What do you advise? Server logic will be written in Java.

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2 answer(s)
kulaeff, 2018-01-16

No, it won't be weird if you have a really simple interface. If you still do not want to update the entire page, then there are a lot of solutions, but I would choose jQuery + lodash + templates. But you can also use the SPA framework if you plan to increase the complexity in the future. For example, React/Redux, Angular, Vue.

Yerlan Ibraev, 2018-01-17

Spring boot data jpa ?!

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