Alex Wells2015-11-29 21:46:09
Alex Wells, 2015-11-29 21:46:09

Laravel and node js connection?

Hello. Task: to transfer data from laravel to the Node JS server, and in such a way that node JS would return something to laravel in the same callback (not a separate request). I tried elephant.io keep alive + socket.io - doesn't work because it doesn't work very well and it's not correct at all. I tried redis - this is a good option, but how to return a value from node in the SAME callback? I don't know any other options :(

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Evgrafovich, 2015-11-29

Describe in the question exactly what you need to do and how you do it. Most likely you will be offered another way. And yes, in the dictionary of the Russian language there is no word "probyval".

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