elfix2016-04-30 14:06:14
elfix, 2016-04-30 14:06:14

Kvm + openvz together - how to solve networking problems?

I installed kvm and openvz on the same machine, the containers and the machine itself seemed to work fine. Then I noticed the network became unstable, and completely disappeared. After the reboot for a while, the rules, then again the problems. In the server stat, traffic has grown, as if ddos. I noticed in the logs
device ent0 entered promiscuous mode
device vnet0 entered promiscuous mode,
it seems that traffic began to collect because of this mode.
Disabled libvirtd, libvirtd-guests , rebooted - everything is fine! If you just disable these services - does not help, only after reboot.
The containers kvm, openvz and the main node have different white ip.
What is it anyway? Are they incompatible at all? Maybe there are some features of network settings when working together?

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3 answer(s)
Armenian Radio, 2016-04-30

It's no wonder they've lost their roof. If you want Frankenstein, run OpenVZ inside one of the virtual machines.

elfix, 2016-04-30

It looks like some kind of trojan was introduced into the kvm virtual machine and it clogged the network. An unknown demon is hanging, eating the entire processor.

knutov, 2016-04-30

Wait a bit until Virtuozzo 7 is finished. And there will be both openvz and kvm out of the box and at the same time.

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