Vadim Remin2015-11-17 07:55:27
Vadim Remin, 2015-11-17 07:55:27

JS: Coincidence of the name of a function parameter and the name of a local variable in the function that called it - an anti-pattern?

Good afternoon, is
the coincidence of the name of a function parameter and the name of a local variable in the function that called it an antipattern?

function bigFoo () {
  var x = 100;
  return x = smallFoo(x);

function smallFoo(x) {
  return x+=10;


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1 answer(s)
xmoonlight, 2015-11-17

The variable names are the same, but their scopes and, accordingly, their references are different.
This is not an anti-pattern.

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