Alexey2020-04-25 13:37:23
Alexey, 2020-04-25 13:37:23

It is necessary to develop a project with the possibility of implementing dynamic classes. How to start a project?

It is necessary to make a project that allows you to create tables in the database through the interface, but among other things, when creating a table, a cs file with a model that you can work with through EF should be generated.

Also in this project, it is necessary to implement filtering, a complex json will go to the server, which will be parsed in sql and will return data, respectively.

Tell me what resources you can turn to, are there any similar open source projects?

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1 answer(s)
#, 2020-04-25

You should not start by looking for similar projects . for the description is a complete mess,
it is necessary to start just with the elimination of confusion.

It is necessary to make a project that allows you to create tables in the database through the interface
here already start and end :
- something worthwhile without MVVM or a similar pattern, you are unlikely to succeed at all. You will have to master the alternatives and choose the right one. and only then find the implementation for the selected interface platform
among other things, when creating a table, a cs file with a model should be generated
- why?
- but if you really need it - start by googling C# reflection , C# dynamic compilation and Roslin API
- just learn how to work with EF to start
- you will have to master everything related to it well to continue. in particular migration
Also in this project, it is necessary to implement filtering, a complex json will go to the server, which will be parsed in sql and will return data, respectively.
this is for later. if you master the preliminary sketches. then there will be no problems with these frightening phrases
ps (WinForms, WPF, UWP) sorry, I was invited to answer your question here. about ASP on the move generally missed. although that takes away a whole point and it's possible to start with MVC. in fact, the question remains chaotic
pps as an option - start working on the task. from a bunch of panicky phrases, to a description of functionality and interface for it. and so on iterations make clarifications. you can eventually get interface layouts with a description of the functionality. that's when you can already ask the question - is there a project such as this?

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