Anton2015-05-20 12:32:00
Anton, 2015-05-20 12:32:00

Is wevtutil the right query?

Good day.
I want to write a batch file that takes the source name and event code as input. At the output, you need to get - errorlevel = 0 if the event is not found, 1 - if it is found. Also it would be desirable to fasten possibility of reception of kol-va events.
Events from the System log, for example.
I’ll make the wevtutil request myself, but I don’t know how to accept input parameters =/

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2 answer(s)
Eugene, 2015-05-20


Anton, 2015-05-24

@echo off
SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
chcp 1251 >nul
set r=%1
set u=%2
set p=%3
set x=%4
set y=%5
set z=%6
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %% i IN ('%windir%\system32\wevtutil.exe qe /r:%r% /u:%u% /p:%p% %x% /rd:true /f:text /q:"*[% x%[Provider[@Name='%y%'] and ^(EventID=%z%^)]]" ^| find /c "%z%"') do set "cnt=%%~i"
if errorlevel 0 set err=1
if errorlevel 1 set err=0
echo %err%
echo %cnt%
Well, where is the error here?

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