NewBeHere2018-02-27 21:17:49
NewBeHere, 2018-02-27 21:17:49

Is this layout correct?

Good day. I'm preparing a portfolio and made up the layout below:
Please point out any gross and not so blunders.
Is this layout complex enough to add to a portfolio?
At the moment there is a problem with displaying the page header on IE11, the slider is not displayed + the text is not highlighted in any way, while I think

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1 answer(s)
Maxim Timofeev, 2018-02-27

Complicated? No. Is it suitable for a portfolio - yes. Made, at first glance, well. Scripts and styles are compressed, comments. All OK.
But why not make a menu out of anchors? Somehow I want to press, but the result is zero.

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