bobus1792019-07-29 09:18:00
Career in IT
bobus179, 2019-07-29 09:18:00

Is there any reason to retrain as a programmer?

I am a design engineer and I am 41 years old. My salary is 45 thousand rubles. I live in Samara. I recently decided to learn programming. The main message is a higher salary. I am learning Java. Actually, the question is, is it worth hoping for a normal salary increase at, say, the Middle level, and how long will the transition from junior take on average?
And in general, does anyone need a junior at that age?

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18 answer(s)
bobus179, 2019-07-30

Having lived to my age, I begin to notice that young people perceive people like me as obsolete material. But I can tell them that it's not so bad. And the brains work, and there are desires. And sometimes even life experience gives an advantage in some aspects. Therefore, I can answer the youth that it is not worth putting an end to us, and also wish that you, at our age, retain the flexibility of the mind and the desire becomes better.
PS Even if my plan does not work out, the process itself will give me pleasure and will be a good workout for the mind "in old age" ;-)

Northern Lights, 2019-07-29

In IT, if we talk about ordinary performers, few people need people over 40 - due to their age, they work more slowly than programmers 25+ years old. Whoever says and writes on specialized sites about 90-year-old programmers.
A 40-year-old cabin boy is from the category of fantasy. You will feel, to put it mildly, badly for yourself, working in a team of professionals who are under 30, over time this will result in a loser complex. At 41, you are unlikely to master everything quickly, it will take 3-5 years and you are already 46.
It is easier to get a taxi.

The main message is a higher salary
The high salary is a myth. It is not given just like that. It is the result of many years of study and practice, it is a long journey for many years.

yugoru, 2019-07-29

At 41, I radically changed my occupation, although I didn’t go into developers, but into testers. I didn’t ask such questions, because I was confident in my abilities and that I was wildly interested in testing. Salary was a secondary motivation.
First, I decided what exactly I was interested in (backend, load / performance and theme design), studied everything for this matter, I was able to and got a job. A year later, I became a team leader in my group (since age is also a life experience that helps to lead and organize).
It seems to me that if programming is so exciting that you want to get up early to code, or not go to a bar with friends to finish the code, then the chance of finding your place is very high. An adult person knows how to learn and concentrate, so that he can develop quickly.

sim3x, 2019-07-29

The main message is a higher salary
Age has nothing to do with it
Up to the middle level - you need to learn java.core + some kind of stack, find your first job as a junior or trainee and work for 3-5 years

cheremsha11, 2019-07-29

Don't listen to those who say it's impossible. .
I myself have a humanitarian education, at the age of 35 I decided to learn programming from books, in a year I created my own project, and after a year and a half I got a job. At the same time, a full stack immediately, the main thing is desire and common sense. Try to get a job remotely, so there is more choice, communicate more at interviews, so you will understand what employers generally need from a programmer. Narrow the circle and study only what is necessary, and then according to the circumstances.

mamitko, 2019-07-29

Look for a company that writes software for your engineering field. First, it will be a great place to work. Secondly, you will be very valuable there.

Andrew, 2019-08-08

Age is an argument far from the top ten.
I'm 38, 4 years ago, I radically changed the stack, I was a bearded June, this is normal. Of course, all the previous experience of programming on anything made the process much easier for me, because. when you already know how to program, you focus on other important things, for example, new approaches, techniques, patterns, technologies.
It’s harder for those who haven’t programmed at all before, they have to master everything the same, plus learn to convey their will to the machine, and it turns out that here, as elsewhere, a long and hard training, self-discipline, etc. are required.
The main problem of older juniors is that, as a rule, they need to provide for their families and there is not enough time and energy left, while 25-year-old seniors have neither a child nor a kitten, zero worries, time and interest.
When I was at school, I participated in computer science olympiads. I was categorically not interested in doing algorithms, but I was furiously crazy about the fact that a stupid piece of iron executes any of my orders instantly and perfectly (adjusted for the wind), and if something went wrong, then it’s 100% my jamb or the piece of iron broke . In general, I practiced 4-12 hours a day, without days off and holidays. So, my competitors from other schools were very good at writing algorithms, on a piece of paper, and they practiced as much as crazy 2 hours a week, against my 30-70 hours ... And when we collided at the Olympiads, they simply had no chance, because that the working code that passed the tests (albeit in manual mode, still in the 90s) was taken into account, and for a suitable algorithm on a piece of paper they said well done, but they didn’t accrue points ...:
Now I periodically consult several people who, in adulthood, became interested in programming. I send everyone to codewars to solve algorithmic problems, because it’s better to hone numerous data manipulation techniques and techniques (and all algorithms come down to this) before you start doing something serious. All these loops, arrays, iterations, sorting, filtering, transforming, etc. All this comes in handy every day and many times.
Well, yes, I have seen middles and seniors who have learned a bunch of technologies, and this stage of banal data manipulation algorithms has safely passed. In general, in some places they want to tear their code out of the project, cast it in granite and hit them on the head with this code ... :)
PS: I myself practiced quite a lot on codewars, when I retrained my own brains from PHP to JS, it works perfectly.
PS: In general, the method of immersion in anything works perfectly. You can read about the method at Shchetinin (Shchetinin's school). They say that their children mastered the annual course of physics in a couple of weeks using the immersion method.

LeBabouin, 2019-07-29

For the purpose of making more money? Of course it's worth it. There is even nothing to discuss here - the world's top zhabists can do your current salary in a day. But what is the chance that you will get close to them, or even at least to the usual "noodle coder for a hundred" - no one but yourself can evaluate. Usually the approach "at the age of 40 changed the stall to a framework" in 95% of cases ends in nothing. But maybe your place, nevertheless, in these 5%?
Junior is not needed by anyone at any age. Yes, there are certain galley-vacuum cleaners whose business strategy is to bulk-hair graduates of local universities, with the goal of "someone shoot." But the fact that you are deprived of this wonderful opportunity does not look like the end of the world.
In general, the choice of technology is extremely suitable - the average age of an abstract Java developer on the market is clearly more than 30. Nobody will notice your 40. If, again, everything is in order in the head.
Any provincial Russian or Ukrainian city is more than 500t. man is the most ideal place on the planet. Everything you need to eat, at a quite decent level, and - incredibly cheap.
Forget everything else. Especially all local sharagi and offices. The ball is huge, there is a ton of remote work in it.

Dauren S, 2019-07-29


Daniil Maslov, 2019-07-29

It is entirely possible to do this.
It’s worth hoping for a normal increase if you are an intelligent developer after passing the probationary period. The transition from Junior to Middle takes different time for everyone, it depends on the tasks that you will solve for both the company and the team. You can do it in a year, or you can solve the same type of tasks all the time and stay at the same level as it was originally.
On the question of whether Junior is needed, here you need to understand that there are a lot of pitfalls, you will constantly fight against reefs of misunderstanding on the part of HR managers, but if you manage to break through them, then the next question is current knowledge and skills. It is necessary to assess the risks that the company takes when hiring you, and based on these risks, somehow stand out among young competitors.

MasterMike, 2019-07-29

And everything would be fine, but 45 tr. - this is the average "hospital" salary of a middle in Samara.

NadeM, 2019-07-30

And you start! Create a blog about this path, share your experience with those who also dare.

nouland, 2019-07-31

Here, as elsewhere, personal interest in the topic is the only engine of development. Relatively normal salaries and other benefits simply do not interfere with this process of formation.

medwed_1, 2019-08-01

Hmm ... I read it and somehow pulls it negatively.
There is a person working next to me who at 35 was retrained for dotnet. We have been working together for 8 years, I came as a student at the same time as him. And everything is great!
Of course try! It definitely won’t get worse, but suddenly it will come to you and in general you will go to team leads =)

tutuborg, 2019-07-29

Six months trainee
2-3 years June
Then middle

Station 72, 2021-08-01

Tax. 2 years have passed, I xs how the author has developed.
Now I will write down how to act correctly.
1 - if you want, then teach. If you don't try, you won't know.
2 - why go to work? Well, we all live on the Internet - here you need to look for customers first in order to gain experience. Find a party in the city where progers gather and talk quietly - there they will tell you how and what. Networking works wonders. Yes, or in any chat hook up with someone and communicate - not being afraid to ask and tell about yourself. A friend of mine taught his father at the age of 50 to be a front-end and he went to work. How are you?
3 - find yourself a mentor or tutor. DON'T FUCK!!! It will save you months of time. Allocate 10-15k per month for this - it’s better to take an individual one, because. in schools, if you fall behind, you will not care, no one will wait.
4 - what kind of fairy tales about high salaries? If you're a proger, it doesn't mean anything. How much you sell yourself for is how much you will be paid. Learn to bargain. I've seen enough of this that they got about zero at 200 - not for long though, but nevertheless they presented themselves. There are different companies that require IT specialists, which are now in severe hunger.
In general, if you want more money, then this is about entrepreneurship. The work of a programmer is quite specific and you need to try to write down something for yourself in order to understand whether it is yours or not.

ELENA46, 2022-01-26

There is always a reason to retrain, regardless of age) My husband retrained as an IT specialist at about the same age, the salary in the segment is higher. By the way, I underwent retraining here , studied remotely, they issued a diploma of the established form, everything is as it should))) now it is already working.

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