Stanislav Pochepko2014-12-19 14:38:36
Stanislav Pochepko, 2014-12-19 14:38:36

Is there an implementation of a slide-out panel in Bootstrap3?

Is there an implementation of a sliding panel on Bootstrap. (Left/Right) For mobile viewing on the site. And then the standard nav panel does not suit. She falls out of the top

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3 answer(s)
asdz, 2014-12-19

I want to please you, such a panel exists! Moreover, there is even such a retractable panel!

Alim Alibaev, 2014-12-19

Also, bootsnipp.com has a lot of nice stuff

Alexander Reshetnyak, 2014-12-25

swipe enabled panel is also easily connected jakiestfu.github.io/Snap.js/demo/apps/default.html

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