kAIST2015-03-26 21:12:10
kAIST, 2015-03-26 21:12:10

Is there a virtual touchscreen driver in Linux?

For a very specific device, a controller (on msp430) of a resistive touchscreen, which sends touch coordinates via uart, was built from what was. And then I thought that further all this would acquire crutches in the form of a utility that would emulate pressing (via xdotool), calculate coordinates, a touchscreen calibration utility, etc.
Is there a touchscreen driver to which I could slip the coordinates of pressing me or him in a convenient way, and he would have already been presented to the system by a device with all the goodies of the type with the ability to calibrate? Or what other options are there?

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1 answer(s)
monah_tuk, 2015-04-05

I don't know of a solution.
For X's? Then you can do it on the basis of this: www.x.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/XorgInputHOWTO
Or something similar to collective farms evdev.

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