Egor Rublev2018-04-23 09:25:50
Google Sheets
Egor Rublev, 2018-04-23 09:25:50

Is there a variable in Google Sheets that is equal to the cell number?

Good day, colleagues.
Tell me, what are the ways to solve the problem, so that when creating conditional formatting for cell "A", check cell "B" in the same line for the contents of "1" or "2"?
My formula looks like this:
For green - =IF(U1 = 1;true), for red =IF(U1 = 0;true)
But for 500 lines it takes a long time to write, is there a variable that determines the line number of the cell being checked?

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1 answer(s)
Anton Fedoryan, 2018-04-23

In Google Sheets =ROW()or =СТРОКА()for Excel

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