kr_ilya2020-04-19 17:45:56
kr_ilya, 2020-04-19 17:45:56

Is there a universal way to put the lines of a text file into an array?

There is a text file


It can be changed in a text editor on windows and uploaded to the ubuntu server via ssh. In addition, lines can be added to it by a script (nodejs).
fs.appendFileSync(Users, `${os.EOL}${text}`);//Users - файл, text - новая строка os.EOL - см.ниже

Why am I ..
The line break character in windows \r\n, but in ubuntu \n. Because of this, I'm having trouble creating an array from the lines of a file.
Lines up to chetire have been added to windows. Everything below is a script on the server
let fileContent = fs.readFileSync(Users, "utf8");  //Users - файл
var sList = fileContent.split(os.EOL); //os.EOL - возвращает символ переноса строки, характерный для текущей операционной системы. см. выше
//sList будет в данном случае будет содержать

//При этом
//Вернет в консоль one без \r

I tried cleaning \rwith but it didn't work. The problem is that sList.indexOf('one'); will return -1 due to \r, although in fact it should return 0 Of course, it would be possible to use the transfer when adding lines in the script and not take a steam bath, but I think that this is only a superficial fix, and if, for example, you need to manually edit the file on Linux, there will be a similar problem. How can the script be universalized so that it works for files from both Windows and Linux? item.replace(/\r?\n/g, "")

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1 answer(s)
Lynn "Coffee Man", 2020-04-19


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