Ely142021-10-29 17:25:46
Ely14, 2021-10-29 17:25:46

Is there a tg bot with selective message forwarding?

Good health friends, I wanted to ask if anyone has already come up with a telegram bot that would send messages from the channel to the PM, using filters of certain words?
Suppose there is a PS of each author of the message in the channel at the end of each message, is it possible for the bot to forward the messages of one of the many authors?) Thank you all

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1 answer(s)
AlexAlex229, 2021-10-29

By means of Telethon you "scan" message.text, if-ohm, preliminary having pushed a name of the author in a variable.
More or less like this

author = "Petya"
if author in message.text:
    #здесь пишешь код, куда пересылать сообщение.

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