Anton2020-04-16 14:09:53
Data request
Anton, 2020-04-16 14:09:53

Is there a service for mass determination of the region by phone number?

There is a database of Russian numbers of its customers, over 1000 numbers in excel format. Instructed to filter by region. How can I do that?
I see two options: Find the ranges of numbers for each region and then programmatically match, or run through some kind of service / converter. I don't claim to be 100% correct, but the more accurate the better.

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3 answer(s)
NSA-bot, 2020-04-16

Save your excel as a text file and go. I don’t know what is the limit on the number of rooms, I have never tried a lot. But if so, please share.

Andrey Gavrilov, 2020-04-16


shurshur, 2020-04-17

I recommend using the official numbering plan https://rossvyaz.ru/deyatelnost/resurs-numeracii/v...

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