JohnDaniels2015-08-27 21:05:24
Data request
JohnDaniels, 2015-08-27 21:05:24

Where can I find a database of foreign words?

There used to be a good link here, but I can't find it.
Interested in a simple list of words in txt, xls or any text format. without translation, without service information.
Volume - the maximum possible, from 10k words.
So far, the only option is to download the pdf spelling dictionary and happily parse, but for some reason it does not please me.

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5 answer(s)
DDDsa, 2015-08-28

At one time I was looking for lists of English words for the card generator of the "hat" game (a game where one explains the meaning of the word, and everyone else tries to guess it) in English. Accordingly, only nouns and adjectives were needed. There are many different lists of words on the net for 10k, 100k, 200k, but they are all automatically generated and littered with garbage: prepositions, particles, names.
In the end, with difficulty, I found a list filtered by someone very kind manually. The words are quite common, but, nevertheless, with an index of use.
I don’t remember where I got it from, so I upload it to the exchanger. Maybe someone will come in handy: ge.tt/7ptDxyM2/v/0
(there are two text files in the archive, one with nouns, the other with adjectives. 3947 words in total)
UPD: Or like this: ge.tt/6USo0zM2/v/0
Here are the same words, but in the form of a sqlite database file (word / part of speech / usage / translation from Yandex-api)

sim3x, 2015-08-28


$ wc -l  /usr/share/dict/words
99171 /usr/share/dict/words

Sturmann, 2021-04-04

There are 1775 English words in a txt file without any translations and extra attributes.

Yakovlev Daniil, 2021-10-28

choke https://www.bukvarix.com/english-keywords.html

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