Sergey66613132014-07-05 15:13:24
Sergey6661313, 2014-07-05 15:13:24

Is there a Russian language programming environment?

I mean not translating menu items like file edit to do this and so understandable things. I mean something else:
I learn various programming languages ​​from books and various documentations on the Internet. And every time I stumble upon the fact that I do not know the simplest things. Such as for example "a function can return values". People who write textbooks take such things for granted.
You can write scripts in uopilot (the simplest ones are a bit more complicated and still have to go to the wiki) by simply right-clicking and selecting the desired item. Screenshot of what I mean in uopilote - bc4c55c318b14d06be37a6b63b9cb9b4.bmp
For example, I just need to display a message so there is exactly such a menu item: 563289e7ceee41c49b81ff0c7c75dec6.bmp
Many programming environments are written more to make it easier to create interfaces (design) or to make it easier to write code using highlighting and auto-substitution, but they are all written for people who already know the language. Here is a quote from one forum (once I wrote something like this): "I read on the Internet about such a miracle as an array of class objects. But I can’t use it, because I don’t know what the class constructor should look like in this case."
I would like to see such hints that can show both constructors and commands and how to call them later.
Here's another comment straight from the toaster: "I didn't know how to add a textArea to a frame, but I found one way."
Russian-speaking users are forced to crawl into google and search, shovel a ton of information for the sake of a small frame. It is easier for the British, their instructions are written in a language they understand.
NetBeans has something similar when pressing ctrl+space. But compare the difference: 73581785ff0341c0a15a99f12573c4d2.bmpthe creation of a variable - the item int was clicked and what's next? Just int and what should I write next? And in general, in some languages ​​there is confusion: Creating a variable or assignment or reference - how do I know?
For example (in the same netbeans) if you press "show Documentation" to the word Process - it will find and show a page from the Internet, and to int it writes "execution is not possible". and here is an example from uopilot596c48df0fec47f6a8253ce43bff0cfb.bmpOf course, you can’t make out their abbreviations without a wiki, but you can immediately see after # there should be a name and then the value should go. It can be very annoying when the hand automatically reaches for the = sign, but this is only because we are used to putting equals. And we know that it should come after the variable name. But what if you are programming for the first time?
No, netbeans also has some commands such as for, if , while which, in addition to writing the syntax, also immediately paint the example right in the code 8ddf64efbabf40fcbde7d967b4d940d9.bmp. But in pure English, I do not understand the meaning.
Also, even with all these tips, it’s completely impossible to understand how, for example, to draw the simplest pixel on the screen. You need to first go through the documentation to study the language, then find out that there are libraries (opengl for example), then learn how to work with them, then find out that there are all sorts of api (winAPI or qt) , and learn how to work with them. And only then display the pixel on the screen. And after all, for everything I have to read the documentation (javaJDK openglSDK MSDSN qt-docs) and everything is in a foreign language for me. Agree to copy / paste an example from the Internet much faster, but it’s not clear what the program is doing at the same time. And if I still suddenly feel the urge to write my own implementation of a graphic library like opengl, it's scary to imagine what kind of jungle I have to delve into. Well, when there is at least some kind of documentation.
I sat down to write an addon for wow and decided that addon studio would be easier. And yes - it also shows hints on ctrl+space. And they are also completely without comment - the conclusion is: not for me.
An example from addon studio for wow - d8085b5402044355ae6817165fdac952.bmp there is nothing in fact. Having selected an item from the menu, I still have to look for it first in the wiki and then one hell of a search for an example on the Internet.
Advise me a Russian-speaking environment (for any language) of programming.
//upd I asked for an environment such that it suggested what and how to write. and you offer me not the environment but the language itself. moreover, many offer such a language as 1c in which you can’t even display a pixel on the screen.
All sorts of HIASM and blocky are no less incomprehensible to a beginner than machine code, since there are all the tools right in front of your eyes and you don’t even know what to put first and what last. Kumir by the way is not better. The DRAKON Language is simpler in this regard - We will write in the prompt like this, we need to create a cloud and call it "beginning" ... BUTif you try to compile it, it suddenly turns out that you need to choose the language into which you compile it. okay, I choose, for example, c ++ I create 2 clouds, the beginning and the end, I link . I decided to create for example a condition and what happened? you need to write all sorts of "if i = 2; " in the cloud, observing the entire c++ syntax. And how will the dragon help me then? nothing.
Verb ; Rapier is generally dead languages.
ps. the idol generally made fun of 1-on-command just on ctrl+space4b23a5c97ab543f0b5a7a7076f9255ce.bmp
to Ix_Didicus: changing the game by configs is already a passed stage. Moreover, I even wrote a prototype of a simple toy in java. Unfortunately, I lost the textbook on which I studied, as well as the prototype itself (and it slowed down a lot) after the disk format. Yes, and the presence of a textbook one damn thing made me constantly climb into it. I looked at each function as it looks in the textbook and rewrote it. Then I decided since it was bothering me so much anyway, I started looking for alternatives. Various programming languages. And everywhere the syntax. Yes, of course it's the same everywhere. But for example, the D language is much easier than java: all the objects that I create - they do not need to be assigned to each function to change the variables in them. It makes it much easier, but I did not find a Russian textbook, just the same examples. I asked a question on Habré from a person who wrote an article on this language. I asked him "Sorry for stupid questions, but how do I make a global mutable struct object?" That was the question I asked. (I was still studying rust along the way) the example turned out to be simpler than I thought.BUT I got the answer and what's next? Let's say I want to create an array of such objects and why should I look for that person and ask again? Yes, I will fill it with questions.
To all the people who write that I need to learn English: yes, I know a few (I didn’t count, but according to the test, I know 30 out of 50) But I think in Russian. It’s not a problem for me to remember what for if while and others are, especially since you don’t need to know English for this, but if I need to study the documentation for the language, tell me - so there will still be words that I don’t know? Anyway! So what's the use? It's good if it's just learning some kind of java, but what if I want to learn assembler? even an Englishman will not immediately understand (I do not mean the work of the processor) the meaning of the words that are written there.
Well, I'm sorry that I didn't answer and didn't comment on the answers, I thought this toaster was lagging, it turned out that the addon in firefox was buggy...

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17 answer(s)
wikipro, 2014-07-05

0. www.algoritm2.ru/index.php/ru - Algorithm2 - analogue / superstructure over VisualBasic.NET - the most perfect (except for 1C) from what I saw
1. Kumir programming environment 2.2.1 - keywords in Russian are used for teaching in schools, version for Win, Mac, Linux incl. AltLinux. The interface resembles your screenshots -UOPilot. Lots of documentation and examples. Surprisingly, the runtime environment looks noticeably better than the office. sites on KUMIR.
As I understand it, you need not only Russian keywords, but also want visual programming, such as drawing a block diagram of the program and running it (or the shell generated code)
2. for visual programming, you can look at Scratch - draw a block diagram - it executes the program on themhttp://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scratch_(programming_language... but mainly for teaching children
3. rus.24bb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=7 - Visual Dragon programming language - draw a flowchart according to it generates program text in 1C, C, Java, etc. The software for Buran 4 was written on
it . after installing the environment.Creating a program in HiAsm is as simple as assembling a figure from Lego parts - just select the required set of components and connect them to each other into a single structure ... 5. habrahabr.ru/post/145067
- The visual programming language Google Blockly
6. There is also such a programming language Verb - an analogue of Pascal is now abandoned in my opinion
7 www.gendoc.ru CONCEPT - a system for programming in Russian with an IDE - quite modern, suitable for writing scripts
If you are only interested in Russian keywords then:
1. Almost all modern compilers allow you to use Russian names of constants, variables and functions - it's really very convenient, especially to edit old code. This works for example in JavaScript, VisualBasic, visualC, etc.
2. In C, you can use the Define preprocessor command - then you can use "if ... then ... otherwise" everywhere
3. advantages - the comprehensibility of especially old code is improved, fewer errors when entering variable names
4. Disadvantages - when using define - auto completion of commands, command help, etc. will not work. library names, etc.
everything will remain in English early, in reference systems and code examples everything will be written in English - you still have to translate into Russian or use bilingual code he knows his English code perfectly and does not ask such questions
For myself, I chose the use of Russian names for variable constants and functions - in all my projects, I left English code words where Russian cannot be used (in 1C, Kumir)
ruscomp.24bb.ru - a forum for those who are interested in programming languages ​​with Russian syntax

Sergey, 2014-07-05
Protko @Fesor

I don't think you will understand this code:

класс ПростойКласс {
        свойство строка названиеПеременной
    публично конструктор (строка названиеПеременной) {
         контекст.названиеПеременной = названиеПеременной;
    // ...

ПростойКласс[] массивКлассов = создать ПростойКласс[10];
пока (беззнаковое целое итератор = 0; итератор < 10; итератор++) {
    массивКлассов[итератор] = создать ПростойКласс("строка передаваемая в конструктор);

In general, all these concepts like "a function can return a value" (more precisely, on the contrary, it usually returns a value but may not return) come from mathematics, and there no one whines that "why everyone calls all these things with the letters of the Greek alphabet." No one shouts "why is it customary to denote sine sin and not sin", etc.
It's the same here. Knowing the language itself will not help you understand the meaning of for constructs.

Alexander Taratin, 2014-07-05

Program on 1C.

Ilya Kaznacheev, 2014-07-05

You reminded me of a person who wants to learn how to drive a car, but instead of learning traffic rules, he learns to turn the steering wheel and press the pedals and is indignant that he is not comfortable on the road.
An IDE is not a way to write a program, it's a tool that makes it easier to write it. You can write even in a notebook, and often more is not required.
And there is. If you want to use OpenGL, learn its specifics. Another car example.
Of course, you can just copy a piece and paste it, but if you have to edit something later, without understanding, you can destroy the entire architecture of the program
It so happened that programming originated in the English-speaking environment. And patriotism has nothing to do with it. I had experience writing programs in a language with Russian syntax, and I cursed everything just because of constructions like <name><value>[<sign.op.><value>].
If you don't know English, buy a book like "<Selected Programming Language> for beginners" or "Introduction to <Selected Programming Language>", everything is in Russian and understandable. Everyone started that way.
Do not try to drive a car without knowing the traffic rules. Don't try to cook without knowing the recipe. Don't try to program without knowing the programming language. All this leads to bad results.

Optimus, 2014-07-05
Pyan @marrk2

And then where are you with these programs? Learn English don't make people laugh))

OnYourLips, 2014-07-10

Programming without knowledge of English is like having sex without genitals.

Alexander, 2014-07-05

Learn English, you don't need a Russian-language programming environment.

Ta_Da, 2014-07-10

Everyone rushed to practice wit about 1C and programming in Russian, but the author's problem is not at all in this. The author does not want to learn the syntax of the language in which he wants to program. And not even the most complex constructions (loop, declaration and assignment of variable values, etc.).
Leaving aside the subject area, in the same 1C, only a description of the built-in language with minimal code examples is the volume of 7 books. + the same amount in terms of the peculiarities of the use of certain structures and objects of the language, the query language and the administration of the system as a whole.
Yes, damn it, even if you draw a program with flowcharts, you will have to remember what a rhombus means and what a rectangle means.
I can advise the author either to forget about programming in general, or to wait for the blessed times that various "experts" predict all the time - when no one will program, programmers will not be needed, and the user will simply tell the computer what he needs, and at the output he will receive a finished program .

Yuri Lobanov, 2014-07-05

You better learn English, no? And without it, learning the syntax is not so difficult. And so:
Programming languages ​​with keywords are not in but ...
Only here is a community that speaks English more at times, so judge for yourself whether it's worth it.

Ix_Didicus, 2014-07-06

Longum iter per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla.
Learn from examples. Do not know how to declare a variable, set a cycle? Don't know how to declare a function, describe a class, how to call/create them, with what parameters? So open someone else's example, someone else's code, and take a look. Fortunately, in the age of Open Source, you can find as many sources as you like in any programming language. Just try to download the source code of some simple program or library and try to figure it out, completely disassemble the program piece by piece. Do not be afraid to experiment, try to change something and see what happens after your intervention.
I remember getting interested in Battle for Wesnoth in 9th grade. It is open source, but I didn’t know that then, and in general I didn’t hear almost anything about programming. But I found out (having studied the folder with the game) that it has a bunch of text configs - scenarios, unit characteristics, etc. Everything, of course, is exclusively in English, which at that time I practically did not know. And despite this, without using any dictionaries, or Google, or anyone's help, I was able to understand this language, create my own units, my own scripts, and even write a couple of campaigns.

Andrey Savrasov, 2014-07-09

Become a 1C programmer, everything is in Russian =)

Kolya K, 2014-07-05

I can’t remember anything from Russian speakers other than 1C.
No need to learn multiple programming languages ​​without knowing the basics. It is better to learn the basics first, then start learning one language and when you learn it at least at an intermediate level, another language will be very easy.

Maxim Samoilov, 2014-07-10

In the beginning, everyone is faced with incomprehensible definitions, just find some lessons for complete beginners and gradually understand all this.
And I started learning ActionScript 3 from Muk's book, exploding my brain every 20 pages - it didn't do much for me. I left the page at 300.
Then I found this site and gradually began to understand more and more, over time I began to understand the documentation in Russian, then in English.
Just start with books and lessons, you can program even in a notebook.

xseven, 2014-11-06

Right all pounced on the Russian language. I remember at school the algorithms were forced to write just in Russian and there were no problems. Moreover, in collections of algorithms, pseudocode is often written in Russian.
In the institute there was a PARADISE (Russian algorithmic language) something like this link .
By the way, English-speakers themselves use the I-stroke (E') language in some areas, for example, in the legal profession, etc. Thus, the application of the mother tongue can always be found there would be a desire.
In industry, English is currently the dominant language in many areas for reasons that are little dependent on the language. Those. if you want to professionally engage in programming, then knowing one of the languages ​​​​of large technical communities in addition to Russian (Chinese, Spanish, English, French, German) will make life much easier, plus diversifying is also useful.
Or work in the field of national systems and solution providers, the notorious 1C, etc.

I.CaR Soft, 2015-10-10

So 1C!

Nikita Konin, 2015-10-28

You need to first go through the documentation to study the language, then find out that there are libraries (opengl for example), then learn how to work with them, then find out that there are all sorts of api (winAPI or qt) , and learn how to work with them. And only then display the pixel on the screen.

Imagine yes. Programming is hard work, and it needs to be learned. You didn't complain at school that you studied math for 11 years, although you can just use counting sticks and add / subtract using them. Or that before writing long texts, you first need to learn to speak the language, understand it, then read, then write letters, words, learn to express your thoughts, etc. How long did it take you to reach your current level? A lot... It's the same with programming. You need to learn it from the basics, from algorithms, logic, thinking. Do not expect that you will immediately get at least things like Tetris. First, you will need to spend several months to understand and figure it out on your own. And you will have to study continuously, everyone is learning in this area. Constantly. Nothing else. In parallel, learn English, somewhere in a year you will be able to speak it at a sufficient level to read the documentation. In the meantime, there are enough Russian-language materials to master programming at the initial level and create something simple but useful.

ZetaTrin, 2021-01-10

I recommend:
PL/1, site PL/1-kt
A powerful, undeservedly forgotten language, there is not only a Russian version of the commands, but also a textbook with a full description of those. There are 32-bit and 64-bit versions, (windows), the author is present on the site, the language is developing. In general, this is what you were looking for, the only drawback is a somewhat console interface.
I also heard about the Yar programming language (translated lisp), but at the moment Yar is not being developed. At one time I downloaded versions for Windows and for Linux. with textbook.
I met on the Internet broadcasted in Russian oberon under Windu. the status of development did not specify, it seems to continue. I'm not sure about textbooks on it (Russian version).

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