ITamateur2018-02-22 12:48:05
ITamateur, 2018-02-22 12:48:05

Is there a "roadmap" for android app developer?

By roadmap, I mean a roadmap with a list of topics/technologies, like this roadmap for web developers . Very desirable with recommendations for resources/courses/articles.
I started to get interested in this topic recently and found that, unlike the same web development, there are somehow fewer materials, i.e. all sorts of posts where to start, what you need to know, learn ... there are also very few online courses.
The current level - almost zero, made a hello world application, thanks to the translation of the first part of the course to udacity . I am learning Java from a book and trying to create my own learning plan, more on that below.
The goal is employment, as a training project I want to develop and host a client-server application in java on google play.
A good option would be to continue studying the aforementioned course with udacity, but the cost is too big and the level of English does not allow, and combining the study of a new topic and English on it does not seem like a good idea ...
I have identified three main development vectors for my own plan - basic knowledge, java, android.
For the basics - I'll start with a course on the basics of programming on a hexlet , then algorithms on a stepik .
On java, finish with the book, then again hexlet and JavaRush .
Yes, and the fourth vector is certainly the study of English.
Any advice and corrections / additions to my plan from existing android developers who have already gone this way are welcome :)
Paid courses are also quite an acceptable option, but I did not find anything useful in Russian. Either very expensive -
individual lessons from a supposedly developer with 400k salary, for example, or doubtful - based on feedback about the project / teacher.
If there are any suggestions that for some reason you do not want to leave in the comments, write to itdreamer?yandex.ru.

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1 answer(s)
Stancialeta, 2018-02-25

I would recommend looking into topics:
* Object: hashCode, equals, wait, notify
* Collections: List, Set, Queue, Map
* References: Strong, Soft, Weak, Phantom
* Concurrency: Thread, Runnable, Executor, Future, Synchronized, Volatile, Synchronized collections.
* io: InputStream, OutputStream, File, serialization
* Network: URL, urlconnection, etc
* json, xml
* generics
* reflection
* class loader
* enum
* Android tasks and backstack (LaunchMode(singleTask, singleTop, etc), Task Affinity)
* Activity: Lifecycle, What, start, start with result
* Services: IBinder, Message Handler
* ContentProvider: how to use and why
* Broadcast Receiver: how to use and why
* Intent & Intent Filters: common and in manifest.xml
* Fragments: Lifecycle, Why, FragmentManager, NestedFragmentManager
* Notifications: how to use
* Permissions: what and how
* Resources: what and how
* Styles: how to use and why
* InputEvents
* MaterialDesign: RecyclerView, CardView, FloatingActionButton
* Layouts (also CoordinatorLayout)
* Toolbar
* Pager
* Settings
* Menu
* Dialogs
* Toasts , Snackbar
* Animation, Shadows
* Support lib, Support design
* Network: frameworks (OkHttp, Retrofit)
* Process: separated processes
* Application: using
* Concurrency: AsyncTask, best practices for long time work.
* Bitmaps: using, reusing
* VectorDrawable
* Deep Linking
* Patterns
* Caching
* di

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