Anatoly2018-07-17 19:39:06
Anatoly, 2018-07-17 19:39:06

Is there a ready-made solution for generating html tables?

Good day guys!
Tell me, is there a ready-made solution for generating html tables?
Here is a list of what should be done:
1. Dynamically building columns that the user selects.
2. Search by the formed table.
3. Sort by each of the columns.
It will be a plus if it will also be possible to upload the generated table to excell)) There is
a datatables plugin, but as far as I understand it cannot dynamically form columns, or I haven’t read the doc

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2 answer(s)
Denis, 2018-07-17

This applies more to JS than PHP
for example https://datatables.net/

seriogja, 2018-07-18

Good afternoon!
I think what you need: https://github.com/yajra/laravel-datatables You can definitely customize columns :)

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