Cord2013-04-07 02:48:10
Cord, 2013-04-07 02:48:10

Is there a mini-framework for these requirements?

Is there a mini-framework for these requirements?

- a minimum of code, simple, cheap and cheerful
- (!!!) runs from any folder in the document root
- at the same time it will take off under PHP 5.2, that is, there are no namespaces and other novelties (many providers are slow)
- mvc, or at least to separate logic from templates
- a simple add-on over the database, not necessarily an orm. Abstraction over pdo, for example, so that you can run both under muscle and under postgres
- license for use in any products

- has a good OOP, no brakes
- autoload, of course
- customizable routes for actions

My favorite Symphonies do not fit the first requirements and Yii.

So I do not want to write a bicycle. Maybe there is such a miracle?

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5 answer(s)
Zoldberg Zoldberg, 2013-04-07

CodeIgniter ? Cheap and cheerful

Dunadan, 2013-04-07

Have you watched Kohana ? It does not fit the definition of "micro", but it lives quite successfully under 5.2.

OnYourLips, 2013-04-07

Yii fits all the initial requirements except for minimalism.

iStyx, 2013-04-07

lemonade , true, no orm

Nikita Gusakov, 2013-04-07

ORM - github.com/propelorm/Propel

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