toshk92020-08-20 00:11:26
toshk9, 2020-08-20 00:11:26

Is there a library or built-in method in Python that counts the number of lines(\n) in a string(" ")?

It is necessary to iterate not over the individual elements of the line, but over its lines, no matter how strange it may sound. Is there any method that would count the strings in the string "".

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2 answer(s)
Valery Mamontov, 2020-08-20

toshk9 , this is also possible:

>>> a = """ добрый день
... сейчас я на работе
... освобожусь позже
... и перезвоню
... """
>>> c = a.count("\n")
>>> c

Dimonchik, 2020-08-20

yes: len
he counts a lot more

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