Damir Sinitsyn2015-12-20 15:42:23
Damir Sinitsyn, 2015-12-20 15:42:23

Is there a decent implementation of full Linux on phones?

There is a phone running OS android, but because of its, let's say ... parsimoniousness, I don’t really like it. Are there normal Linux ports (No, not like Linux deploy and not installed as a second system / recovery) on devices under running android OS?

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4 answer(s)
Lex Fradski, 2015-12-20


Alexey S., 2015-12-20

ssh-клиент (например ConnectBot) и полнофункциональная клава ( как вариант Hackers keyboard ).
Подключайтесь к вашей любимой OS с полным функционалом :)))
p.s. Не очень понятно по вопросу, что вы хотите делать

Олег Гамега, 2015-12-20


Денис Котляров, 2015-01-02

I'll tell you android work well, tried). The ubant itself is not very suitable for it. This is ARM, there is an ubant for ARM, the necessary packages were recompiled for ARM, but there are so few of them in the market, and especially the old ones! You will even be given a special repository like ports-ubuntu), that is, simple repositories cannot survive on it.
You can try not to install the system, but run it from Linux android itself. The systems will work together, though the other android can be simply and easily killed through the dispatcher and restart will take place) In android, the advantage is that it was originally developed for arm, in a very lightweight version at a time when linux did not know what arm was at all. If you want to test, download, test.

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