Finom2012-02-03 06:56:19
Finom, 2012-02-03 06:56:19

Is there a client-side JS mp3 converter to any of the HTML5 Audio formats?

Actually, subject. I would like to use native browser features more actively, without resorting to flash crutches. I suspect that for all the computational complexity of the task, the author would have used the Workers API so as not to load the main thread. There is probably nothing more to add.

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2 answer(s)
Finom, 2012-02-04

jsmad.org/ - found it myself. On a netbook with Wi-Fi, it took a very long time to load, about a few minutes. That is, there is one of two things here: either the conversion is not streaming (for playback, you need to download the entire track) or it is very resource-intensive. On an old desktop of 2007 with a dedicated line, playback started in a couple of seconds, but the second time, after a reboot.

Anatoly, 2012-02-03

I doubt it =)

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