lovesuper2015-06-16 19:59:44
Game development
lovesuper, 2015-06-16 19:59:44

Is there a book (guide) on an introduction to 3D game development for experienced programmers in other fields?

From time to time I am interested in developing 3D games. More precisely, I'm trying to approach the development. I know quite a lot of programming languages ​​(FP including) and I have a good experience (web, mobile phones, microcontrollers, system utilities). I know how to write code. But here's the problem - I can't find a normal entry into the game industry (which I always wanted). Any resources I find are for school noobs who make a game about a friend's mom. We study cycles, variables ... I would like a specific and detailed introduction. What do you need? Where to look? What is needed and what parts does the simplest 3d game consist of? Is there any particular man? To from the beginning to a concrete result without learning languages. If there is something in mind - tell me, plz.

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2 answer(s)
Deerenaros, 2015-06-17

Comrade, I can say as a person who has not tried anything while developing the game. It all started with pure C, there was also C# (a banal form with a bunch of buttons), there was also C ++ (pure opengl and box2d for physics), then XNA - a powerful framework for C #, unfortunately died. There was a pygame, although nothing has progressed further than a couple of hello worlds. Now I'm tinkering with Unity. I often organize hackathons with a friend - it should be noted that each time we move further and further. True, every time we start anew.
In general, I noticed a few things. Firstly, we need not a programmer, but a scripter; in terms of rank, he is not far from the encoder. That is, he is an encoder, with the only difference being that he scripts scenes. Well, yes, it would be nice to get another scripter who will write the text. Today, for game development, programmers are needed only for AAA projects, when you need to bungle a whole framework and create an engine almost from scratch, or adapt the old one to the new hardware, which is essentially the same thing. Secondly, you need a lot of all sorts of punks - artists, designers, testers, sound engineers. In general, a complete set is required. Of course, you can combine all positions in one, but this usually ends badly.
Also, choosing a path, you should not turn off it. I say this as an experienced way-turner - you should not rewrite the code, otherwise, as soon as it more or less grows, you will only have to rewrite. Refactoring should also be done very carefully. The more modular the better. Etc.
As for mana - they are dofiga. Various degrees of tenacity. For example, there is such a good engine as OGRE, he has a lot of links to demos, wikis, books, docks on his page. But this is more for hardcore lovers. For bike lovers, there is openal + opengl, or sdl + opengl. There is also a lot of literature on opengl, a lot. In addition, there is Unity3D, but programmers, IMHO, have nothing special to do with it - it only limits it, and it’s far from the best in terms of convenience, and the performance is really good, although in most tasks it’s enough.
And once again I will try to convey the idea - the programmer is not the main one. Moreover, it is usually even the last one. The game begins with the gameplay, which is created by the game designer. And usually programmers want to be game designers. Bad way, we're spoiled to be honest. For us, there are obvious things that are not obvious to others who break games. And some things that make games good are difficult for us to access. Then come the artists - the same artists, sound engineers, level designers, lyricists. And only then the programmers - modern machines are very fast and shovel even the code in microseconds - the scene takes the longest to draw. And the players do not care about the architecture at all - bugs can often become features, and even when using the engine, the main architecture is already there, it remains only to stick to it.
In any case, good luck with your endeavors!

mamkaololosha, 2015-06-16

There is not. 80% of work in gamedev comes down to banging your head against the wall because you have brakes, floating crash and other magic. Only experience. Technology is changing very quickly. No time to write books. Only fundamental 20 years ago, Cormen and experience.

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