fdroid2019-02-19 23:31:06
Computer networks
fdroid, 2019-02-19 23:31:06

Is the “star” scheme ideologically correct?

Suppose there are several trunk VLANs on the router on one port, and this port connects to one trunk port of the first managed switch, aggregation level, and then aggregation on individual ports distributes vlans to managed access switches to which end client devices are connected. Actually, how true is such a scheme and what can be the pitfalls that the router and aggregation are physically connected by only one port?

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1 answer(s)
Valentin, 2019-02-20

Usually they try to make a gateway for workstations on aggregation, so as not to drive traffic between VLANs through a router, on the router - only uplink (Internet or VPN). Well, they put two switches for aggregation and two routers for a reserve.

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