Igor Lamp2020-01-26 09:41:45
Igor Lamp, 2020-01-26 09:41:45

Is Macbook pro 13 8GB enough RAM for Frontend?

Actually the ESSENCE of the question is desirable for the owners of these devices. Is 8GB of RAM enough for the frontend on a poppy, or is it still going to be ruined by +20k for the 16GB version?? I can't find a clearer answer to this question anywhere.
Bonjour, gentlemen. All my life I sat on win, but it was too often my ears heard praise towards the front on poppies.
Let's just say I'm just starting to step on the rake of the junior frontend. My windo-toaster is no longer very relevant, and the question arises of buying a new device for work. As I said, I heard a lot and I want to try mac, its amenities, which are so praised.
unrealistic prices. Therefore, the choice fell on the MBP 13 pro. But by default they all have 8GB of RAM, 16 can only be ordered from an off-site custom, I will do it if I do. then with the US, much cheaper. But even in this situation, there the price creeps up to 120k (from 8GB - 98-100k)

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7 answer(s)
lamer350, 2020-01-26

The fact that working with the front on a poppy is better is a delusion! The same tools are available for both Mac OS and Windows. Buying a poppy will not give you any advantages in this regard.
As for memory - in your case, 8 GB is probably enough for a couple of years, that's for sure. As for me, the lack of Ram is experienced only by people with extensive experience, where delays of a fraction of a second play a big role, because it seems that the car is not keeping up with you, and most likely it also depends on the speed of the person. Mac OS itself works great with any amount of RAM, the maximum discomfort that this can deliver is from time to time to observe the work of swap, but it will take years to start noticing this, or maybe you are one of those who will not be bothered by this (you won’t try, you will not know). Perhaps you won’t just notice because you didn’t know the best) Everything is known in comparison.

Sergey Suntsev, 2020-01-26

Lately, I've been missing 8 GB of RAM on a Mac.
This is primarily due to the fact that you have to run many node servers locally, write tests on some kind of puppeteer and run several browsers in parallel.
At first, when the project was not very big (about a year), then 8 GB was more than enough for me.

âš¡ Kotobotov âš¡, 2020-01-27

the more themes, of course, the better, BUT if you approach it wisely, then the most practical thing is to immediately build CI / CD using production servers, and transfer the main load to them, and use the laptop as a terminal / text code editor. Then it doesn’t really matter what performance the laptop has, a powerful server will still be faster than any laptop to assemble, test, analyze code, and so on.

GavriKos, 2020-01-26

Take your current device, run typical tasks and measure consumption. On a Mac, it won't be much different if you exclude the OS itself.
Most likely enough, but it will be uncomfortable.

Sanes, 2020-01-26

If you connect to the monitor, then that's enough.

Sergey Sokolov, 2020-01-26

The more RAM, the better.
The choice in this matter is not obvious: you did not indicate what is on the scales.
On the price side k = 100 / 120 = 0.83
On the usage side, it's not clear what you're missing out on in variant A with 8 GB.
Will you need to work in Photoshop with heavy layouts in high resolution, while opening Figma, VSC, three different browsers and two instant messengers.
What version of OS X do you install and how does it behave on 8GB compared to 16.
Consider another option of purchasing from 8 and upgrading to 16 on the spot. I don’t know in what config they come with 8GB: there are free slots or all are occupied. Most likely it will be more expensive, because. 8 are "thrown out" and replaced by other modules.
And it’s quite an option to take a used one, not the newest, but the most stuffed beech config.

VARIV, 2020-01-29

Today, 16 GB is not enough ...
A laptop with HHD, 64 GB of RAM + 4 or 8 GB of video is much better than any Macbook.
Hardware on poppies is 3-4 years behind for release. They are expensive. So the choice is quite logical.
And yes, if you take something, then only 64 GB and in duo mode (synchronous) in the BIOS, set it yourself.

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