Alexey2015-12-14 11:58:07
Search Engine Optimization
Alexey, 2015-12-14 11:58:07

Is it worth changing the domain?

There is a site with attendance 2k unique click-through rate 20 clicks per visitor, tick 20, pr 0. 30k pages indexed. The site is 6 years old, but a year ago I changed the domain from a 301 redirect to a new one.
If I change the domain without any redirects, will the new site be considered a duplicate of the first one and I suppose that the site will not gain even this traffic, and it will take years to get good positions?
how to cheat in this situation? ))

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2015-12-14

how to cheat in this situation? ))

cheat? What do you mean, no one has yet been able to "trick" Adsense with impunity, there you will get a lifetime account ban for various tricks. Don't risk it, it will cost you more later.
Start all over again, from scratch, nothing can be done.

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