Jedi2017-12-02 11:02:55
Jedi, 2017-12-02 11:02:55

Is it possible to write a neural network that will come up with names?

Hello! I'm interested in the capabilities of a neural network. Can a neural network come up with names, for example for a company? I want to write, if possible, a neural network that will do NAMING!
I want to write for myself...
If you know, then please send me links to articles / repositories that can somehow help me. Where to begin ?
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Daniil Popov, 2017-12-02

I have two answers to your question:
1. If you need trivial names, then neural networks have nothing to do with it. Use services like
2. If you need original, catchy and generally cool names. Then, I'm afraid, the implementation on neural networks will be excessively laborious and it is not a fact that it will give a better result than in paragraph 1.

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