Matweytt2020-01-20 20:42:03
Web development
Matweytt, 2020-01-20 20:42:03

Is it possible to write a landing page without html and css?

There is sometimes a need to make landings, but as a person who is used to normal programming languages, html and css are wildly annoying)
So is it possible to write sites without html?
flash and html5 convas are dropped

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11 answer(s)
Lord_Dantes, 2020-01-20

On paper, in pencil.

Danil Polyansky, 2020-01-20

HTML and CSS were created specifically for web pages, other languages ​​will be much less convenient than these two.

Sergey Sokolov, 2020-01-20

Well, make a landing page like a video.
Interaction with the user, however, will be minimal. But you can make a series of YouTube clips linked to each other.

Ivan V, 2020-01-21

Try to do it on webassembly :)

Arman, 2020-01-20

pdf, jpg, png... just write it as a text file too)

xmoonlight, 2020-01-20

Some even refuse vue.js .
And who needs it?!
Especially if you have normal languages ​​that generate income.
Take and order the creation of a landing page.
Otherwise - only CMS-systems (set up once and then - only deploy).

Froggyweb, 2020-01-20

to show at least something in the browser, you need HTNL otherwise nothing at all. :)

Eugene Veprytskyi, 2020-01-21

Try React there, not regular html, but without css or preprocessors like LESS SASS, not like.

SibWebDevelopers, 2020-01-21

Has everyone forgotten about ruby ​​on rails?

AndreykaPro7, 2020-01-21


sashabeep, 2020-01-22

A trick question, if you remember, suddenly, that neither HTML nor CSS are programming languages.
Nobody prevents you from writing such a program in a normal programming language, which, on command, will write these most blasphemous HTML and CSS without your participation.

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