Alsimoos2021-04-27 20:07:10
Alsimoos, 2021-04-27 20:07:10

Is it possible to use two mice at the same time in Teamviewer?

Is it possible to connect via teamweaver to a computer with 2 monitors and do *your business* on one monitor while the owner of the computer is simultaneously doing his own on the other? The mouse is being intercepted, can you add another cursor?
Or maybe there are programs for this?

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2 answer(s)
Norco-77, 2021-04-27

In TimVuve. it won't work out that way

rPman, 2021-04-27

I have not used this program for a long time, but since anydesk is almost a copy of this application, it seems from the same (or former) teamview developers, it probably works the same way.
In anydesk, two mouse cursors are visible on the screen, one local, the other remote, signed with the nickname of the connected user, this is disabled in the settings. When you press the mouse buttons from a remote computer, there will be a highlight. At a particular moment in time, only one user has the right to press the buttons, but if you do not touch the keyboard / mouse for a couple of seconds, then this right passes to the one who presses the buttons.
In VNC, everything works even easier, both control the mouse without any restrictions, but most likely this can be changed by the developer of a particular client, since there are many of them.

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