Nullix2020-05-19 12:26:27
Nullix, 2020-05-19 12:26:27

Is it possible to use ADB to get the cause of an application crash?

In general, there is a source application that I do not have, there is only a compiled debug apk. This application starts and immediately closes, although the application used to work fine, it just stopped running at some point. And I really want to know the reason leading to the crash of the application.
Therefore, I connected the device with the application via ADB to Android Studio, hoping to see the crash logs. But all I see on ADB is some kind of system information on the application launch (about drawing animations, about launching an Activity), and the fact of its closing, and a couple of logs of the application itself, which also do not say anything. Although I used to think that an application should crash in ADB and write the reason and type of the exception thrown in the application.
Actually the question is, is it really possible for an application to crash when it does not write to ADB the reason for its closure, or is it that I'm looking in the wrong place / do not use all the ADB feature?
What other ways are there to find out the cause of the application crash?

Here is the log obtained during application launch: https://pastebin.com/1use36yh

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2 answer(s)
freeExec, 2020-05-19

Yes, the crash in ADB will be visible. But why did you decide that you have it, and not the normal completion of the application, because the author decided so. Especially if it worked yesterday and not today.

Sergey Vodakov, 2020-05-20

Try setting the date on your phone when the app was running for you. If it starts, then it's definitely not a crash. If it doesn’t start, you can also try, in addition to changing the date, turn on airplane mode so that there is no Internet access.

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