SkaterDark2020-11-04 22:00:03
SkaterDark, 2020-11-04 22:00:03

Is it possible to somehow prohibit the use of a computer for a certain period of time in Ubuntu?

There is a need to limit the operation of a computer running Ubuntu OS during the daytime. So that, for example, it was blocked when a certain time was reached, and it could not be turned on / unblocked before it was supposed to.
Let's say that it was impossible to sit behind him from 22:00 to 9:00, unless it's time to watch)))

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4 answer(s)
Adamos, 2020-11-04

Set the cron to send a letter to your inbox every half hour and explain to the child that you will find out about the violation of the prohibition to sit at the computer.
If this option does not work, then you are solving the wrong problem.

ky0, 2020-11-04

Set the cron to lock the account in the evening and unlock, respectively, in the morning. Or change your password.

Alexander, 2020-11-04


Karpion, 2020-11-04

  1. You can disable login at a specific time.
  2. You can also put in cron (this is such a service) an instruction to forcibly log out the specified user.
Details of how to do it - I do not remember. But I know for sure that in standard Unix these are two different tasks.

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