Sergey Gorchakov2015-10-31 09:11:24
Sergey Gorchakov, 2015-10-31 09:11:24

Is it possible to somehow integrate Russian Post tracking on your website?

Platform: Wordpress.
Is it possible to integrate a form on the site that will allow tracking the parcels of the Russian Post, as on the official website https://pochta.ru/tracking , or somehow redirect the parcel number so that the site itself already has information about the parcel of interest to the user.
Thanks in advance.

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4 answer(s)
Zelimkhan Beltoev, 2015-10-31

Better use API from Gdeposylka: gdeposylka.ru/tracking-api

klaster777, 2015-10-31


Adamos, 2015-10-31

The Russian Post now and then redoes this very tracking.
The following link is currently working:
But this is quite possibly temporary.

Andrey Abramov, 2016-05-13

I wonder if there is such a plugin for wordpress? It would be nice!

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