Genri_Rus2020-05-16 19:11:35
Genri_Rus, 2020-05-16 19:11:35

Is it possible to somehow bind the page template to post_type records?

I created a photo archive page with a template-photo.php template, in it, using the WP_Query loop, I displayed post_type=photo

When I click on the photo, I should open a gallery on the next page:


But the problem is that in my url line: http://название сайта/?post-photo=victor-ql-y44f

And how to make it so when you go to the record?

http://название сайта/photo/victor-ql-y44f

Those. the photoarchive page could display not only previews of entries, but also expanded (for each entry) a full-fledged gallery?

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1 answer(s)
Genri_Rus, 2020-05-16

In general, I figured out that when registering a post type, you need to specify the following settings:

register_post_type('custom_name', array(
   'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'name_slug' ),

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