Volty2018-05-12 11:31:25
Volty, 2018-05-12 11:31:25

Is it possible to set block width in bootsrap?

Let's say there is a button that has a border, with this code it will stretch to 12 columns. Will it be possible to set the desired width to the "block__button" class through width, so that the border is the desired size? Would it be semantically correct?
Or will it be correct to specify the desired number of columns and center?

<div class="row">
        <div class="col-lg-12">
                <div class="block__button">
                          <a href="#" class="block__link">Узнать больше</a>

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1 answer(s)
ivasenkoartem, 2018-05-12


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