Max Payne2019-01-27 01:25:34
Max Payne, 2019-01-27 01:25:34

Is it possible to scare off users with too wide functionality of the project?

I have a project that I am working on alone. The project is very large-scale, it includes integration with several instant messengers and creation of chatbot clusters with huge possible functionality: from simple games for teenagers on VKontakte, entertainment commands to useful commands, sales systems, FAQ systems and more.
Can it turn out that in pursuit of such great opportunities, having spent a lot of time and implementing complex functionality, the project will become popular with a very narrow group of users, both among those who create clusters with bots, and among those who will continue to use them use?
I'll give a simple example:
Let's say teenagers play games on VKontakte, earn a balance and fight for the TOP. There are already dozens of such bots, they are quite popular. Our chatbots will also have such commands, they will return the TOP players in the message, but only the players of the same messenger. And we will make the TOP players from all messengers separately on the site, but after all, some kind of list of some players in the end can scare away the guys from some company that decided to make a chat bot for itself that would answer questions from their customers?

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5 answer(s)
Pavel K, 2019-01-27

Too big and unfinished functionality is much worse than a smaller, but well thought out one. Make the minimum, but working - then it will become clear where and what to do for what - the users themselves will prompt.

stratosmi, 2019-01-27

Not that to scare ....
Dispersion of the target audience. There will be no dense backbone of users from which word of mouth will go ...

âš¡ Kotobotov âš¡, 2019-01-27

A confusing description, you need something understandable and simple to show to the user first what will attract him.
And it will gradually grow complex functionality by itself (if users need it).

Rinat Zakiryanov, 2019-01-27

It all depends on the implementation, on convenience, on design. Well, if the resource is bugged, it will also sink.
It doesn’t matter how much functionality you invest if:
1. You can’t properly design the resource
2. The user doesn’t understand what to do (usability)
3. The page will take a long time to load
4. It’s buggy
5. Convenience, let’s take any online bank, here they have all like a blueprint, I remember looking for 1 button for half an hour, stupidly because of this I changed the bank. with each call forgot where the fucking button. ))
6. Audience - i.e. you must understand for whom you are making this resource and understand their needs, and you must somehow convey to them why they need the resource at all, personally from the description I don’t see the point of it.
7. Laws, this is now as relevant as ever, information storage, data decryption, file storage, etc. what will you have to do because I understand that you will have registration and authorization by phone number, this is the storage of personal information, i.e. you fall under the Yarovaya law (if you are from the Russian Federation, of course).

Viktor, 2019-01-28

I saw one social network startup on freelance. By principle, all the possibilities of the Internet in one place. And here is a link from all pages to the "Eternal Memory" section for posts about the deceased, which confused me a little.

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