Svoboda Gaming2020-06-05 17:58:48
Mobile devices
Svoboda Gaming, 2020-06-05 17:58:48

Is it possible to run IOS on Android?

I welcome everyone!
I will be brief, is it possible to install IOS on Android? I saw that you can Android on IOS, and vice versa?
I know about the existence of programs that make "like" ios. In fact, it's bullshit.
Is it possible to run IOS directly !!!!! on Android?
If not, why not?
If so, how?
Thanks in advance for your answers!

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-06-05

Question of the class "Is it possible to run Google Chrome in Mozilla Firefox" or "Is it possible to drive a Mercedes-Benz S600 in a TD-75M tractor."

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