lakegull2021-11-29 14:02:28
lakegull, 2021-11-29 14:02:28

Is it possible to run a function to process records via bulk_actions-upload?

Nowhere I can find the necessary example to understand whether this is feasible and if so, how.

I created a custom action in the file library:
The task is to make it run a function that will process each selected image. The function is located in the theme's functions.php.
Here is the code itself:

add_filter('bulk_actions-upload', function($bulk_actions) {
  $bulk_actions['run_custom_function'] = __('Custom Function', 'txtdomain');
  return $bulk_actions;

add_filter('handle_bulk_actions-upload', function($redirect_url, $action, $post_ids) {
  if ($action == 'run_custom_function') {
    foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) {
                 //run the function
    $redirect_url = add_query_arg('run_custom_function', count($post_ids), $redirect_url);
  return $redirect_url;
}, 10, 3);

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1 answer(s)
WP Panda, 2021-11-29

Why not, even a million tutorials for bulk_actions
In general, look at how Regenerate Thumbnails works https://ru.wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
it does exactly that, and there you can peep all the solutions that you need

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