Aleksandr2015-09-08 19:54:20
Network administration
Aleksandr, 2015-09-08 19:54:20

Is it possible to reset the password on the local network through mmc.exe?

there is a network (with a dedicated server) access to some machines through the admin (I know the password) and so, my users are supposedly sitting through the admin, but they can’t connect to these machines, they require a password that they don’t know. so can they reset it through mmc.exe? Well, that is, add your user to the "Administrators" group and further in the picture.
And what information will not be available upon reset? (in the picture) the one that requires a password?

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1 answer(s)
Ruslan Fedoseev, 2015-09-08

With such a password change, previously issued certificates for disk encryption become useless. And the encrypted disk with these certificates turns into a set of bytes;) As far as I remember.

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