stahon2012-08-16 19:33:34
Google Workspace
stahon, 2012-08-16 19:33:34

Is it possible to reduce the amount of Datastore Stored Data from the GAE admin?

According to GAE quotas, the maximum amount of Datastore Stored Data is 1GB. If I understand the meaning of this quota correctly, then it means the total amount of data stored in the storage, Blobstore and something else.
At the moment, there are a lot of unnecessary records in the Datastore that can be safely deleted, but, unfortunately, deleting them does not allow you to raise a site that has been lying for more than a day. The limit is still exceeded. All attempts lead to nothing.
Actually, the question is: how to reduce this figure after all, if there is neither the desire nor the opportunity to switch to a paid account (besides, as I understand it, the fee will not increase this quota)?
PS Storage Master/Slave.

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2 answer(s)
Arthur, 2012-08-16

Go to the admin panel and through the console (software) delete unnecessary entries.

FanKiLL, 2012-08-16

Can you connect via Remote API? We once used this when it was necessary to fill the base or clean it.
As an option, back up the entire database to the local area, clean what you need, delete the database completely in the admin panel, raise the app and via the Remote API, upload everything back. But this is if nothing else can be done.

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