tr1ck12017-04-05 22:15:19
tr1ck1, 2017-04-05 22:15:19

Is it possible to raise the site to the top 5 Yandex/Google for several key queries?

Hi all. Previously, I did not encounter website promotion, so I would like to learn from more knowledgeable people. Is it difficult to promote the site to the top 5 Yandex/Google for several key queries in ONE CITY (for example, "Vladivostok products", "Vladivostok food delivery", etc.). What is the best place to start? Is it possible to do all this yourself? And how long to bring the site to the top 5?

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5 answer(s)
Sergey Goryachev, 2017-04-05

Start with Google and Yandex, there is enough information on SEO.
And then no one will be crucified. And in general, too general question.
PS: Yes, it is quite real. Time depends on the site, subject and competitors.
PSS: No one will analyze your site and competitors for free.

Vasya Petrov, 2017-04-05

Those who ask such questions are not only difficult, but unrealistic. After all, they do not even know about the existence of PSs and do not know how to use them.

Petr Lyakh, 2017-04-07

You can promote a site in One City Moscow and do it for a very long time and without success. Or advance in the village of Povarovo relatively quickly and without much effort. It depends on the competition.
In general, the answer to the question is yes, you can do it yourself. I can myself) and you will most likely have to spend several years of hard work, through trial and error. Where to start you can read here

Rekrun, 2017-04-14

You can raise it to 3 then n and 1. BUT if you have never promoted the probability is small, most likely you will ruin the site, so to speak, overdo it. On the other side. if you go through trial and error. I can tell you on the 20 site you really succeed. It's all a matter of time.

Alexey Soshnikov, 2017-04-15

Do you not only TOP, but also give customers?
Here's what you need to do, if completely from scratch and with your own hands:
1. Make a list of keys that you want to promote through wordstat.yandex.ru, something like this https://yadi.sk/i/BaeMcNP33GzUUo
2. Register a one-page site on online constructor ( Tilda , Nethouse , Ukit or any other) along with the domain and pay for a year
3. Enter the keys on the site in the Title, Description, the main first title and block headings on the site. In the same place, in the materials of the designer, read articles for beginners like "how to write a good title"
4. Break the page into semantic blocks with your own headings and texts, such as "delivery of products around the clock by courier service", "grocery store with online delivery", etc. Do not overfill the text with keys, write for people with words-details like "thermal bag", add pictures with captions. Describe working conditions, prices, your benefits.
5. Add a site to search engines through Yandex.Webmaster and Google.Webmaster, put a Yandex.Metrica and Google.Analytics counter on the site. Read official instructions and ask technical support for help.
6. Fill in the header and footer of the site with the name, description, phone number, address, working hours - all with text, put a logo, upload a favicon.
7. Add a site to Yandex, Google, 2Gis maps. (when filling out the card, add two or three main keys next to the name). The phone must be permanent, after that it is undesirable to change the phone, because. the site will crawl further on maps and catalogs. Be sure to check that you are added and the address on the map is linked to the site https://yadi.sk/i/yQfmjz8y3GzmCh
8. Make sure that the site appears in the search for the URL ( https://yadi.sk/i/wofRy-ax3GzhEY) and all moderation. If it doesn’t appear for a long time, choke the technical support of the online designer. Look in Yandex.Metrica and Google.Analytics in the report on search phrases for the first transitions from the search, if they start, then everything is done correctly.
9. Register with Gogetlinks, study the instructions, figure out how to create a task for the purchase of "eternal" non-anchor links and links with a non-commercial anchor, how to select a donor site by rating and subject. Do not buy links if you have not figured out this point.
This was the preparatory stage. Further on a monthly/weekly basis, as time permits:
1. Regularly update/improve the text on the page a little, gradually adding blocks. Ukit has an online calculator constructor that can be implemented. For good, you need to make a news block on the site and write news at least once every two weeks, but only useful, not just slag.
2. Buy 4-5 links-notes in Gogetlinks per month, from gold sites of your subject, without anchors, one with a non-commercial anchor, and one with an anchor in which to insert a new version of your key each time. Check donor sites through https://checktrust.ru for sanctions and look through your eyes so that the donor does not look like slag or vinaigrette from banners.
3. Go through all the results of Yandex and Google for all your keys (with and without the city name) to a depth of three or four pages, write out all directory sites, reviews, ratings, register everywhere and add your site there. Climb into all the cracks.
4. Make a simple advertising campaign in Direct and Adwords on your keys, according to the principle of one key - one ad, on the search. Do not do YAN and CCM until you figure it out. Set a small bid per click and watch your clicks/costs. Remember to filter at least basic negative keywords to block unwanted impressions. Read instructions. Focus on the attractiveness of the ad. Plan a constant budget for advertising, albeit small, let the site hang at the very bottom, but constantly. Gradually raise the rate per click, count calls and requests from the site.
5. Constantly try to make the site more convenient and useful for a living real person. It is very important to show friends / acquaintances, listen to criticism, eliminate. You can order a usability check and SEO audit on freelance fl.ru, from good trust freelancers with reviews. Add prices, descriptions, photos, reviews about you.
6. Add callback widgets to the site, an online consultant, set up sending forms from the site, work out the visibility of these elements, add calls to action for the visitor. I recommend CallbackKiller , both in paid and free version.
7. Test the site for ease of use on mobile and tablet.
What else: read all the instructions, watch YouTube, there is a lot of information. Communicate politely with technical support, ask for help as a beginner, try to understand yourself, do not be stupid with questions like "where to register the metric", all answers are in Yandex and Google. Be sure to try Avito.
Do not mess with Sapa and other exchanges of rental links, do not wind up behavioral ones, if you are not 100% sure, by running through catalogs for 500 rubles, by promises of schoolchildren to drive the site to the TOP in a month. Do not fill the site with water SEO texts with an excess of keywords.
As you figure it out, you can make subpages with your key groups.
This is a guaranteed recipe for regional sites in cities up to a million. Depending on the quality of your actions, you can get into the Top from three months to a year.

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