Sekii2018-09-18 13:19:31
Server equipment
Sekii, 2018-09-18 13:19:31

Is it possible to put the server in the electrical room?

Tell me, is it possible to put the server in the electrical room?
What could be the threat?
Thank you.

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3 answer(s)
Drno, 2018-09-18

It is possible in theory. If there is enough space, not dusty, the temperature is normal, ventilation is normal and you do not need wifi on the server.

AntHTML, 2018-09-19

Shield shield strife: there are such that the room is 5-10 m2, and there is only one locker with PNs, and it happens that everything is clogged with ASUs and shields.
In the first case, put the rack against the opposite wall, no problems at all; in the second, you need to look to see if the magnetic fields will affect the equipment.
And of course, try not to lay power and low-current circuits together

Sergey Ryzhkin, 2018-09-18

Yes, if the twisted pair that goes to the server is shielded.

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